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章节标题出处(第1/1 页)

最新耽美小说小说: 如何玩弄一个反派我的余生名为你[华文-耽美BL] 梦在的故事某科学的超电磁炮之你的骑士【花亦山心之月.宣望钧同人】望花【暗杀教室】杏坛的救赎【一往吴乾】今安在(架空武侠au)【珉佑】布朗尼计划人在型月,刚被干翻【柯南/总受】今天喝到假酒了吗【潮】你X何立[原创4] 鬼王的新娘现代十二生肖之乱世纪元文野综名柯(不想上班的人们)【耽美】乔木生烟醉於安宁攻略冤家的教战守则寻少灰少年成为你的本命[忍乱]OC短篇集


第一章:go and catch a fallg star

go and catch a fallg star - john donne

第二章:shall i pare thee to a sur,s day?

n 18 - williashakespeare

第三章:do not go ntle to that good night

don,t go ntle to that good night - dyn thoas

第四章:i like for you to be still

i like for you to be still - pablo neruda

第五章: your life y fite drea live

y sky at ilight - pablo neruda

第六章:and live ever -- or else swoon to death

bright star - john keats

第七章:that all the world besides thks are dead

n 112 - williashakespeare

第八章:what are all these kissgs worth, if thou kiss not ?

love,s philophy - percy bysshe shelley

第九章:who dread that beauty passes like a drea?

the rose of the world - willia butler yeats

第十章:fro death to life thou ight,st hi yet rever

love,s farewell - ichael drayton

第十一章:and i will ve thee still, y dear, till a, the seas gang 



